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That Boy: The All American Boy Series Page 6

  I need more. I want more.

  But I wish I didn’t have to be reminded every time I dropped him off in his uncle’s driveway that he’s a twenty-one-year-old man who has a whole life ahead of him. A whole lot of mistakes to make and a whole lot of sins to atone for.

  And I don’t want to be one of them.

  But I do want to be something to him.

  According to Delia, this is supposed to be a summer fling. But according to my head and my heart, this is starting to feel a lot like a relationship. It’s got depth, it’s got potential. In a short time, it’s gotten to be a whole lot more than the last few years of my marriage were, and that scares the absolute shit out of me.

  Cord is intense, in ways that I didn’t know I liked. He says what’s on his mind. He says how he feels and tells me all the things he wants and doesn’t. He’s unapologetically honest, and I find it both refreshing and scary. Because while he is that way about everything in his life, he’s especially that way about me.

  He’s breaking walls down, one by one, surprising me at every turn with how much he wants me and how hard he’s willing to work for it. And if I’m honest, I don’t want him to stop.

  Work has been slow today, and after Chantel and I finished changing up the storefront for the week, I sent her home. The bell above the front door of my shop rings and I stop what I’m doing on the computer to look and see who it is.

  I’m surprised to see Cord walking toward me with the biggest smile on his face. It makes him look both carefree and careless, a reminder of how he’s effortlessly two sides of the same coin.

  “I don’t know if I should be happy or worried you’re smiling so big,” I tell him.

  Wordlessly, he grabs my hand and leads me to the office. “What are you doing? How come you’re here in the middle of the day? I can’t just leave the store unattended.”

  He puts a finger up to indicate I need to give him one second and then he disappears. When he returns, I expect him to provide me with some sort of explanation, but he doesn’t say a single thing. Instead, he takes my hand and we walk toward my desk. He takes a seat on my office chair and then tugs me to him.

  “Sit,” he commands.”

  I’m wearing a short, floral print, baby doll dress with ruffled hems, so there’s little to no discomfort as I maneuver myself atop him.

  His eyes never leave mine as his hands slowly glide up my thighs, and my skin pebbles with goose bumps. They stop moving when he reaches the edge of my panties, and I ache in anticipation.

  “What are you doing?” I whisper, still holding his stare.

  I feel him harden beneath me, and it takes everything in me not to grind myself against him. He brings his mouth to mine, his tongue and lips answering my question.

  It feels so different to indulge in him, to want physical intimacy, to actually crave sex. But with Cord, even with the slow pace we’ve been keeping, my insecurities no longer exist. I’m no longer the woman who’s worried about pleasing her man. I’m no longer comparing myself to unrealistic standards or keeping quiet to not ‘rock the boat’.

  With Cord, we’re on an even playing field. It makes me feel sexy, wanted, and extremely satisfied.

  The kiss is deep and unhurried, but it turns me on like nothing else. The way he always takes his time, the patience he’s displayed, the sincerity he’s constantly offering when we talk about my past.

  He’s a grown, mature man in all the ways that matter me. Age is no longer something that does. I believe that now.

  His hands continue to remain still, but he teasingly begins to caress his thumbs up and down my covered pussy. My lips are still on his, but I stop kissing him the second his thumb brushes over my clit.

  He smiles against my mouth. “Distracted?” he teases, his fingers still taunting me.

  “This midday romp is just a little unexpected, is all,” I say breathlessly.

  “Do you want me to stop?” He pushes past the fabric and slides his thumb up and down my wet center, deliberately avoiding exactly where I want him.

  “More,” I murmur before resuming our kiss.

  He delivers, but it isn’t without a little torture. And when he stops touching me and slips his thumb between our mouths, so we’re both licking the taste of me, I’m struggling to find my balance on the edge of this proverbial cliff.

  Dropping his hand, he fastens his lips to mine before moving across my jaw and down my neck. In one swift move, he’s spun the chair so we’re directly in front of the desk and he lifts me up on it.

  I fall back onto my elbows, anticipating his next move. His hands push my dress up, exposing my legs and stomach. With a smirk, he hooks his fingers into my panties and drags them down my legs.

  My breath quickens as any hint of embarrassment I may have felt falls away, just like my underwear. I’m practically naked, his eyes are burning with desire, and I’ve never felt sexier.

  “I don’t know when or how,” he growls. “But I need inside of you.”

  “Do it now,” I breathe, needing it just as much.

  “No.” He circles my clit with his thumb, his eyes focused on the movements. “I don’t want to have to rush off after our first time together.”

  A wave of panic washes over me as I think of these quick stolen moments we’ve shared, wondering if this is all we’re destined to be.

  “What if this is all we have,” I gasp as he hooks my thighs over his shoulders and slips his long finger inside of me.

  “Trust me.”

  He buries his head between my legs, silencing my worries, and feverishly sucks and licks my clit. He eases two fingers inside of me, and my body effortlessly welcomes them. His tongue and fingers perform a beautifully choreographed dance on my pussy, and every part of me wants to erupt in applause.

  It’s too much and not enough.

  I slide a hand over his head and push him closer to me, wanting as much of him as I can take. His fingers mercilessly pump inside of me, the tips grazing my G-spot at the perfect angle.

  “Fuck. Cord. Right. There.” Moaning, I arch my back into the air as continuous waves of pleasure ricochet through me. I press my thighs together, locking his head between my legs as his tongue greedily laps at my center.

  Slowly, my muscles loosen and my body is nothing more than a sated heap of desires and emotions.

  Cord raises his head, his lips shining with my arousal. “You sound like you enjoyed that.”

  I can’t help but laugh at his observation. “I guess you can say that.” I reach for him and he rises off the seat and hovers over me.

  “Thank you,” I say shyly.

  He lowers his face to mine. “You don’t have to thank me for giving you an orgasm.”

  “What if I’m just thanking you for being you?”

  His expression softens, the desire and lust that is often so visible on his face turning into something more meaningful. Something more permanent.

  “I’m on extended lunch break,” he says casually.

  “Ohh.” I drag the word out in understanding. “That explains the surprise visit.”

  “Was it a good one?”

  “The best.” I slide my hand down his chest and cup him through his pants. “Want me to return the favor?”

  A loud banging on the store door interrupts our fun and I pull my hand back in a moment of complete shock. “Fuck, that scared the shit out of me.”

  I push at Cord’s chest and he reluctantly stands up straight. “Can’t we just pretend you’re not here.”

  “No.” I jump off the desk and run my hands over my dress, trying to rid it of the creases. “But we are going to pretend you’re not. Can you stay in here till I see what’s going on? Is your lunch break nearly over?”

  He looks up at the clock mounted on my wall. “I have another half an hour till I have to be back.”

  I give him a quick nod and rush out of the room.

  My heart beats frantically when I see Ted on the other side of the glass. I try to school my
face and nonchalantly open the door.

  “Ted, hey,” I greet.

  “Hey,” he says a little out of breath. “Have you seen Cord?”

  “Shouldn’t he be at the police station?”

  “Paul said he gave him an extended lunch break, and Chantel from the coffee shop said I would find him in here.”

  “Oh.” I nervously tuck my hair behind my ear. “I can’t say I’ve seen him. But if I do, is there anything you need me to tell him?”

  “I was downtown for a meeting and thought I would tell him myself, but I can just text him. No big deal.”

  “Okay.” I offer him a strained smile while awkwardly holding on to the door. “Is there anything else I can help you with?”

  Ted looks surprised at my brush off, but if I thought it would make him leave quicker, I was wrong. “Actually,” he says. “Do you want to have some lunch with me?”

  We’re friends. We’ve always been friends. Before Cord, saying yes wouldn’t have been an issue. But now lunch with his uncle feels wrong and complicated. Not to mention that Cord is currently hiding in my office.

  “I’m sorry,” I say, shaking my head. “I’m on my own today and I’ve got so much to do.”

  “Sure.” He rubs the back of his neck. “Maybe another time then.”

  I nod quickly, and he eventually, albeit reluctantly, walks away. Relieved, I head back to Cord, who’s now pacing the length of the room.

  “Are you okay?” I ask.

  “Was that my uncle?”


  “What did he want?”


  “Will it bother you if he found out about us?” The question surprises me, and the inability to answer it, even more. “If he found out, would you end it or would you tell him to mind his business?”

  I shrug. “I honestly don’t know, Cord. I can hardly tell him to mind his business, you’re his nephew.”

  “So that would be the end of it, then?”

  Needing to steer away from all the hard questions, I seductively walk over to him and place my hands on his chest.

  “You’re twenty-one, you’re going back home in six weeks and then you’ll be back at college. This is ending either way, so we should only be focusing on how much ‘fun’ we can fit in between now and then.”

  His face falls momentarily, and the guilt I feel for both lying to him and hurting him makes this much more difficult than I anticipated.

  I look at the clock, then back at him. “You’ve still got fifteen minutes till you have to go back.” I reach for his pants and rub my hand over his dick. “How about we pick up where we left off?”

  He gives me a half-hearted smile, and it’s enough for me for now. I can work with it and hopefully bring us back to the mood we were both in right before we got interrupted.

  “It’s only fair since you’ve already had your lunch.” When I feel his length harden underneath my touch, I keep my eyes on his and drop to my knees. Unbuttoning his jeans, I pull the zipper down and pull his cock out of his boxers. “I can now have mine.”


  Uncle Ted has expensive taste in all areas, and though I often find this quality pretentious, I must applaud his taste in vehicles. Riding in his brand new Corvette Stingray convertible feels incredibly freeing. It could only be better if I were the one driving. The wind blowing through my hair and the early morning sun shining down on me is the perfect combination.

  “What’s the horsepower on this baby?” I ask.

  He grins. “Four hundred ninety five.”

  “Daaaamn. When do I get to give it a test drive?”

  His eyes bounce to me and back to the road. “Since your license is currently suspended, that’s not going to happen.”

  “Come on. You can take me someplace deserted where no one will see me driving.”

  “Hell no, Cord. I’m an attorney. I can’t break the law because you want to try out my new toy. You’ll have to wait until your license is reinstated.”

  “Then I can drive this?” I ask.

  He nods. “Absolutely. But only if you keep behaving. Which leads me to something I need to talk to you about.”

  Oh great. “What’s up?” I just want to know what’s going on.

  “I’m heading out of town tonight and will be gone through the weekend. I’ll return Monday evening.”

  “Party time,” I joke.

  “Yeah, yeah. There’ll be no parties while I’m gone. While I’m not naive enough to assume you’ll be home early every night, I’m counting on you to make solid decisions. Promise me there will be no trouble while I’m gone.” His eyes flick to me, and the weight of that brief glance is heavy.

  “I promise I won’t get into trouble,” I reply, and I mean it. Already, my brain is spinning like a tornado coming up with ideas of how Penelope and I can spend the time together.

  “You’ve been doing well and you need to keep it up. I don’t want any phone calls from Lieutenant Gardner telling me you’ve been arrested.”

  “You won’t get any calls about me. I’ll be on my best behavior.” My best behavior better involve being naked with Penelope for three days straight. We haven’t had any alone time together in a week. And now, Uncle Ted just presented us with the perfect opportunity to delve deeper into the relationship pool. I fully plan on capitalizing on his trip, because who the fuck knows when we’ll get another opportunity to spend so much time together. And more importantly, alone time.

  Uncle Ted pulls up along the curb in front of the police station and turns to look at me. “If you need me while I’m gone, don’t hesitate to reach out.” I appreciate how he wants to be there for me if I need him. It makes me a little emotional, and I have to quickly shove the feelings back down before he can tell. He’s been more of a father to me lately than my own dad has. I’ve barely spoken to my dad, and when I have, I can feel his disappointment from four hours away. It weighs heavily on me. What son wants to disappoint his parents?

  “I’ll be fine. You have my word.” I hold my hand out and we shake on it. “Have fun,” I tell him.

  “It’s a work thing, so I’m not counting on much fun. A bunch of stuffy lawyers jammed into a conference room.”

  “Don’t forget egotistical.” I smirk.

  “Okay, smart ass, get out of my car. I’m sure you have an exciting day of toilet cleaning ahead of you,” he says.

  I point at him before stepping out of the car. “I knew you were checking in with the lieutenant.” I close the door and wave. “Safe travels.”

  Grinning like a little boy playing with a new toy, he revs the engine, pops the clutch, and steps on the gas, burning rubber just like I would do if I was in his shoes. Of course, I don’t know if I’d be doing this if I owned a brand new eighty thousand dollar car. He pulls away from the curb with a triumphant shout and a fist pump.

  I stand there with a smile on my face, watching until he’s out of sight. Seeing this other side of my uncle has been eye opening. He may be about doing the right thing all the time, but he still likes to have fun. I can learn a lot from him.

  I’ve always struggled with the “having fun while doing the right thing” part. But the weeks I’ve spent here have already shown me how capable I am of making solid choices. I’m proud of myself for how hard I’ve been working.

  Speaking of work, it’s time to get inside and see what Lieutenant Gardner has in store for me.

  As far as the days I’ve spent at the police station go, today hasn’t been so bad. I’ve had a fairly light duty day which has consisted of sweeping all the floors and dusting shelves. My last task has been wiping down everything in the break room, which should really be called the broken room because it seems to be the place all the broken furniture ends up. And yet they still continue to use it.

  The large rectangular table wobbles, and the spindles on the back of the chairs have too many cracks to count. The refrigerator hums louder than my grandmother and it’s that horrible gold color that was once po
pular. It’s probably at least twice as old as I am.

  Cleaning inside of the microwave is like a science lab experiment. I don’t think it’s ever been tackled before. I’m not sure what is stuck to the sides , but it’s taken a lot of scrubbing to get it to chip away.

  After I say goodbye to Lieutenant Gardner, I walk outside and immediately look for Penelope’s car across the street. We agreed I would meet her at her house once I got out of work and she offered to take care of preparing dinner. I didn’t want her to give me a ride because I need to hit a couple of stores before I go over. Looks like she’s already left. Smiling, I think about having her in my arms soon.

  Glancing at the time on my phone, I order an Uber to pick me up in another twenty minutes. That gives me just enough time to run in the grocery store and grab what I need.

  Unfamiliar with this store, I race through the aisles searching for everything on my list. I pick out two bottles of wine from a local vineyard and two mixed bouquets, because she deserves unexpected flowers from her man. And yes, I am her man, even if she may not be sure. I also throw ice cream and whipped cream in the cart before wheeling it over to the self checkout.

  Everything fits in two paper bags and my Uber is waiting in front when I exit the store. I spend the ride to Penelope’s filled with anticipation. I can’t wait to see her. I can’t wait to kiss her and hold her in my arms.

  “Thank you,” I shout as I jump from the back seat, collecting my bags. I bump the door closed with my hip and speed walk to the front door. With my arms full, I use the toe of my sneaker to knock the bottom of the door twice.

  Penelope greets me with a chest-weakening, beaming smile, and I’m struck with tunnel vision—I forget about everything but her.

  “Get in here,” she orders, reaching over the bags to pull me along by the neck of my t-shirt. Kicking the door shut, I continue on, Penelope walking backward, still leading me. When we reach the kitchen, she releases my shirt. Setting the two bags down on the small table, I spin around and capture her lips with mine. We share a moan when our tongues meet, and the kiss turns wild. Our teeth clash as we fight to get impossibly closer to one another.